Unsere Arbeit

Seit 2004 arbeiten wir an der Auswilderung des Przewalski-Pferdes (auf Mongolisch Takhi genannt) – dem weltweit letzten Wildpferd – in Khomyn Tal, Durvuljin Sum, Provinz Zavkhan, Mongolei.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Arbeit

Takhi Reintroduction

Daily monitoring on population dynamics, group composition, social behavior, behavioral ecology, health care, habitat use, seasonal movement, breeding ecology, fence maintenance, keep livestock away from release site, ranger patrolling.

Wildlife Conservation

Saving wildlife and their habitat of Khomyn tal is an essential part of our program that aims to contribute in maintaining ecological balance of the region. 

Supporting Local Sustainable Development

KTT works closely with the Durvuljin Soum Government to elaborate and implement the Soum Sustainable Development Plan for 2017-2025. Also, we support to develop a sustainable tourism in Khomyn Tal.

Research Program

Profound ecosystem research studies are undertaken in cooperation with Association TAKH and various national and international research institutions, namely Mongolian Academy of Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Khovd Branch of National University, Nottingham Trent University, University of Montpelier, etc.

National Park Management

Khomyn Tal National Park was established on May 7th, 2020 by the resolution №46 of the Parliament of Mongolia in order to protect endangered species including reintroduced Przewalski's horses. 


Major Achievement